Saturday 23 November 2013

A truly Canadian project

I think Winter is really here now. 
The snow is blowing and the leaves have all fallen off the trees. 

My "workshop" which had been our garage has been moved down to the basement and the garage is now used for our vehicles again till spring time. 

Such is life in Canada. 

Today I spent the day celebrating Canada. 
Normally we do that on July 1st. 
Our Canada day. 

I've seen so many pieces of furniture covered in the Union Jack or the American flag, but it's not easy to get that Maple leaf on anything and make it look really nice. 

Lets face it, the Union Jack has a lot of straight lines, and the American flag has lines and stars. 
But the Canadian flag has a Maple leaf. 
That's not easy to paint. 

So I cheated...I bought a stencil :) :) 

And this is what I did. 

 I took a vintage ironing board and created my own version of our flag.
 Yes yes, I know. It's not really a flag. But I improvised.
 Then sanded it to make it more "weather worn"
 I left the steel parts their original colour.

I know the leaves have just finished falling, but I miss them already. I can't wait for spring again. 

The Brambleberry Cottage 
Coastal Charm 

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